

A listing of music sheets and mp3 songs

from the Congregation of Yahweh, in Panama City, Florida

Congregation of Yahweh has their Website: http://www.congregationyhwhpc.com/



Music is mp3 audio 128kbps, 1.5 to 4 minutes length. = = = Song Sheets are jpg image files


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Watch Roots of Faith video on Shabbat (Saterday) 10:30am Central


The Congregation of Yahweh in Panama City Meets 1pm Saturday at the Home of Kenyan & Jo-Ellen Gandy

A Simple-Chord-Chart.jpg

for Beginners on Guitar


Some of these Songs are golden favorites of many congregations

Most of these songs are Originals; written & performed by

Bernice, Jo-Ellen, Mary-Martha, Janice & others in our group


The mp3 songs were recorded in the home of Bernice....

Offered by direct permission of Jo-Ellen Gandy....


20 mp3 Songs Sung by;


1 - Come Away


2 - Come-Drink-the-Water


3 - Come-Out-of-Babylon


4 - Giving-and-Sharing


5 - Halleluyah


6 - Israel


7 - Oh-Yah,-How-Great-You-Are


8 - Pray- for-the-Peace-of-Jerusalem


9 - Teach-Me-Yah


10 - These-are-the-People


Bernice, Jo-Ellen, Mary-Martha, Janice


11 - These-Are-the-Signs


12 - The-Servant


13 - When-Those-Seven-Trumpets-Sound


14 - Wings-Above-the-Storm


15 - Wonderful-Yah


16 - Words-from-a-Jealous-El


17 - Worthy-is-the-Lamb


18 - Write-on-My-Heart


19 - Yah's-Festival


20 - Your-Law



The Song Sheets are scanned from our songbooks, with hand written notes & guitar chords added

Request from Author - If you need documents in another form




Song Sheets are in jpg form

A jpg is an image file - a Picture


These 113 jpg documents are in page # order as: Song-01.jpg to Song-99.jpg

Click on the Page # to get the file

Get the Yashwist-Songs.pdf as an Index

1              I will Sing of My Savior

             Yah's Festival

             Come, Drink the Water

             Wonderful Yah

5              These Are The People

             Giving And Sharing (cont pg-7)

             Your Law

             The Servant (cont pg-9)


10           Words From a Jealous El

11           Worthy Is The Lamb

12           Lively Stones

13           Teach Me Yah

14           Come Away

15           Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem

16 & 17  Wings Above The Storm

18           Blow Ye the Trumpet in Zion

19           Write on My Heart

20           Fanatical (cont pg-21)

21           Let My Word Go Forth

22           Yahweh's In Control

23           Studying The Book

24           The Word's Ten Words

25           Ye Old Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37)

26           Call Yah

27           Come To Yahshua

28           Yahweh, My Elohim

29           No More Me

30           Matchmaker

31           My Commandments

32           It's Commanded (cont pg-33)

33           The Rock

34           I Believe Him

35           Fellowship

36           Always New, Never Old

37           Worship

38           The Wave Sheaf

39           As the Deer

40           His Name Yahweh

41           Yahweh's Sabbath

42           Feast of Tabernacles

43           Risen From The Dead [First-fruit]

44a & 44b Yahweh's People

45a & 45b    Wonderful One

46a & 46b & 46c   Psalm 23

47a & 47b & 47c   Thy Kingdom Come

48           Song of Love

49           I'll Shine Thru You

50           I Want Life

51           His Chosen Few

52           Blessed Are My Eyes They See

53           Wings Of His Word

54a & 54b   Looking Like Him

55a         Oh Yah How Great You Are

55b         Here Comes The Bride


56           The Way

57           The Perfect Song

58           My people of the Day

59           The Banner

60a         Messiah's Coming

60b         His Name is Love

61a & 61b   Yah's Love Story

62           Marvelous

63           Oh Jerusalem

64a         Morning Offering

64b         What House Will You Build Me

65a & 65b  In The Cool Of The Day

66           Dance Like David

67           The Letter

68a & 68b  The Latter Rain

69a & 69b   My Keeper

70aa & 70ab & 70ac Halleluyah to Lamb

70b        Song of Solomon

71a & 71b Keep Me the Apple of Thy Eye

72a & 72b My Father's Name

73a & 73b  Monument of Praise

74a & 74b  Yielded to you

75a & 75b  Living Waters

76a & 76b  The Great I Am

77a & 77b  The End Time

78a        When Trumpets Sound

78b        Yahweh Go With You

79a & 79b  Song of Moses

80           These Are The Signs

81           Here Comes The King

82           Sabbath Serenade

83           The Silver Chord

84           Shalom

85           The Blood Trail

101         The National Anthem of Israel

102         Hatikva (in Hebrew)


The following Song Sheets are text only, small print, no music score, and several songs to each page.

90    Come Bless Yahweh

        Awaken My Heart

        Make A Joyful Noise- Psalm 100


91    How Lovely on the Mountains

        From the Rising of the Sun

        Great is Yahweh- Psalm 48

        Awake on Israel


92    Thou Art Worthy

        Unto Thee Yahweh- Psalm 25

        The Spirit of Yahweh

        The Redeemed of Yahweh

        Psalm 27


93    Surely Goodness & Mercy

        Beauty for Ashes

        They that Wait- Isaiah 40

        Create a Clean Heart- Ps 51

        Psalm 19

        Thy Loving Kindness- Ps 63

        With Healing in His Wings- Mal 4



94    Let the Priests- Joel 2

        Yah Is Not A Man- Num 23

        If My People- 2-Chron 7

        I Will Enter His Gates- Ps 100 & 118

        Change My Heart


95    The Song of Moses- Rev 16

        I Will Sing- Ps 104

        May Yahweh Bless You- Num 6

        Prepare Ye The Way- Luke 3

        Thou Art Great- Ps 85

        Yahweh Bless You- Num 6








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This page was last updated  03/27/24  by Steven C. Buren